Chichibu 7even Gods Of Fortune “Fukurokuju”

When I look around the community, I hear the term “Whisky Nerd” often thrown around as a term of endearment. I like to consider myself a bit of a whisky nerd as well, not per se because of my knowledge (as there are many people around who know a whole lot more than me), but as someone who’s deeply interested in every little minute detail that has to do with whisky. From the growing of the barley, to the moment the golden liquid is bottled. I’ll fairly admit to being able to get quite “geekie” about it. But talking “Whisky Nerds” or “Whisky Geeks” (again, meant as a term of endearment) there’s few geeks greater than Ichiro Akuto, and his whiskies speak to the heart of every whisky lover. Which makes it extra special for me today to be trying their latest single cask release, the 7even Gods of Fortune “Fukurokuju”!

Just like the Jim McEwan’s of this world, Ichiro Akuto and his Chichibu have an undeniable love for every step of the whisky making process. Harvesting part of the grain themselves, starting their own cooperage, fermenting and distilling based completely on sensory analysis. The list of facts that prove that Chichibu Distillery aims to make the best whisky possible, seems to go on and on. But above all the best representation of this fact is Ichiro Akuto himself, who till this day continues to travel to learn hands-on all the ins and outs of whisky industries all around the world. To apply to his own whisky making skills, and to strive to always become better. His 2024 introduction to the World Whisky Hall of Fame has been well-earned! As an (let’s call it apprentice) whisky nerd myself, the man is a hero to me!

In Austria and The Netherlands Salud Spirits imports Chichibu for their own respective markets, and every once in a while, they’re allowed to select a single cask to bottle as an exclusive. Salud has been at the top of their game with the now famous and highly collectible Intergalactic series and following that success they launched the 7even Gods of Fortune series. Inspired by the legend of the seven gods of fortune from Japanese folklore. Fukurokuju is the fifth release in the series and being the god of wisdom, wealth, long life and happiness, this dram promises to be a gift that keeps on giving.

One thing you need to know about Chichibu’s single cask releases is that Ichiro only allows casks to leave the warehous that are of the absolute highest quality. To make these already exclusive releases even more unique and special, Salud Spirits then invites some of the biggest names in the Dutch Whisky Industry to select their favourite amongst the available casks. Only the best of the best is good enough to be bottles as a God of Fortune!

How do I know all this, you might ask? Well… I was one of the lucky few to be on the tasting panel. And since March this year I’m also a full-time employee at Salud Spirits. A big part of my job there is to act as Brand Ambassador for our whisky brands, including Chichibu, Starward and Stauning. In every single review I write about any of these whiskies, I will always include that fact in the text. As I can hardly pretend to be completely unbiased when it comes to these whiskies, and I think you (the reader) should know that.

I want to be open about that fact. But still consider myself fully capable of giving an honest review as I just like to share the story behind a whisky and give you it’s tasting notes as objectively as possible. I don’t give ratings on any of my reviews as I believe they can be misleading, however much I like a dram also has to do with my personal taste. And the same will apply to you! But I do hope that my tasting notes can give you a good idea of whether this dram is just mine, or also your cup of tea!

To illustrate that I feel comfortable writing objectively about these brands it might also help to know that I mainly chose to work for Salud because I was already in love with their whisky brands. Long before I even know who their importer was. And thus my (at times) profound fanboyism, has nothing to do with who pays my bills. That’s just the way I’ve always felt about these distilleries. Their made by and for whisky nerds, just like you and me!

Given that I have tasted this dram before (and still have my tasting notes from back then). I’m looking forward to seeing what I’ll be picking out this time. I think the ex-bourbon cask will suit the summer just fine. And the tropical notes I remember from back in March (when first trying the dram) look to be a perfect fit for today’s weather. So… let’s stop beating around the bush, and dive right into the tasting notes!

Tasting Notes: Chichibu – 7even Gods of Fortune “Fukurokuju”

Distillery: Chichibu
Age: 8 years old
ABV: 61%
Chill-Filtered: No
Natural Colour: Yes

Like coming come to grandma’s home-made, freshly baked, apple pie. But believe it or not, she put a twist in it this time. Aside from luscious notes of vanilla, apples, cinnamon and fresh though… there’s some tropical fruits in the mix as well. With papaya, mango, and pineapple each popping up their rich and fruity noses. Topped with some nutmeg, and sprinkled with powdered sugar this is a dram that offers flavours beyond complexity!

Full-bodied and powerful flavours that still somehow remain perfectly balanced. A creamy and almost buttery mouthfeel floods the palate with notes of rich vanilla, liquorice root, luscious amounts of manuka honey, pineapple syrup, a healthy dose of white pepper, and “boerenmeisjes” (a dutch liquor soaked treat with apricots). Some cococnut cream, papaya, guava and passion fruit round it all off beautifully. The gift that keeps on giving indeed (flavours that is).

The finish is long, very long. And it’s a joy to behold. Luscious amounts of honey, vanilla, and more of the sultry tropical fruit notes from the palate linger for ages. All of the pepper has faded though. Making the flavours in the finish reminiscent of a tropical cocktail on a hot summer’s day. Bliss!

I don’t know why I’m still blown away with Chichibu’s Single Cask releases every single time. Every single dram they release seems to hold that certain whisky magic. Should I not see it coming by now? But no, everytime I dive into the glass I’m blown away all over again. How is this dram so good after only 8 years. How does a bourbon cask produce such intense fruity flavours. It goes beyond anything I’ve ever tried. And all I can say is that I feel immensily grateful for getting to try this amazing release. The 7even Gods of Fortune Fukurokuju is an absolute gem! Cheers Salud!

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